Wild YamCream



The Power Of The Wild Yam

“When feminine functions are causing considerable ​discomfort, they can wreak havoc on our well-being, ranging ​from the mild discomforts of young adulthood to the traumas ​of maturing womanhood, and various other unpleasant ​feminine issues that can cause discomfort in between.

The key to feminine well-being lies in providing our bodies ​with the nutritional resources needed to produce the natural ​compounds required to meet the ever-changing demands of ​our feminine well-being. Women who achieve this ​experience speak of it as being euphoric, feeling like a woman ​again, or achieving a sense of well-being not felt in years."

Aging Concept. Young and Old Comparision.

Who Can Use

Wild Yam Cream”

Woman with Curly Black Hair


Peri- Menopause

endometriosi/ PCOS

Happy Good Looking Older Businessman in Glasses
Woman Holding a Jar

Youth period pain

Male HRT

Wild Yam Cream

Elderly Woman Drying Her Hair with Towel

How Does“Wild Yam Cream” ​Work...

The active ingredient of Wild Yam Dioscorea ​Villosa is Diosgenin, a powerful Phyto Sterol that ​has the ability to activate the biochemical lipid ​pathway aided by numerous enzymes, leading to ​the production of natural compounds Ubiquinone, ​Dolichols, Squalene, and Cholesterol. Cholesterol ​is the precursor to all the adrenal hormones.


Black Circle Geometric Memphis
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Black Circle Geometric Memphis
Pink Wave Geometric Memphis
Pink Wave Geometric Memphis
Pink Wave Geometric Memphis
Black Circle Geometric Memphis
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  • Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) liquid extract 200mg from dry root 200mg
  • Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Tree) liquid extract 30mg from dry fruit 15mg
  • Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) inner leaf juice 50 micrograms
  • Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) 27.2 IU
  • Contains soya bean oil (non-GMO) and the herbal extract solvent alcohol (Ethanol 13.67% v/v)
  • Natural Preservative containing a proprietary combination of essential oils

Barbara O'Neil University

Balancing Hormones

Barbara O'Neill explains a natural method to regulate and balance ​hormones using Wild Yams for improved overall health and well-being.

B​alancing Hormones Two

Balance Hormones Part Two: Using Wild Yams:​ In this follow-up video, Barbara O'Neill explores ​how wild yams can be utilized to naturally ​balance hormones and enhance well-being.

Heal The Heart

Barbara O'Neill delves into the importance of ​maintaining heart health, discussing how the ​heart, blood, and blood vessels work together, ​and debunking common misconceptions ​about cholesterol.

E​liminating The Waste

Barbara O'Neill discusses the body's organs of ​elimination, emphasizing the importance of the ​liver and skin in detoxifying environmental ​poisons and maintaining overall health.

Osteoporosis Prevent & Recovery

Barbara O'Neill explains the vital role of ​sunlight, minerals, and diet in preventing and ​recovering from osteoporosis, emphasizing the ​importance of vitamin D and a balanced intake ​of essential minerals.

Let’s Sleep

Barbara O'Neill explores the causes of ​insomnia and explains the critical role of the ​pineal gland and its hormones, such as ​melatonin and serotonin, in regulating sleep ​and promoting rejuvenation.

Decoding Diabetes

Barbara O'Neill breaks down the causes ​and management of diabetes, ​emphasizing the importance of ​understanding the history, symptoms, ​and lifestyle factors contributing to the ​disease.

Client Testimonials

Woman in Black Shirt Sitting on Bathtub

“Hi! I wanted to thank you for selling ​this cream. I’m 48 and had a lot of ​menstrual discomfort. I have been ​using the cream for 3 months but I saw ​a difference immediately. I’m not sure ​if I’m transitioning to menopause but ​for now I’ll keep using for menstrual ​pain relief. I also want to thank you for ​your prompt, clear and caring ​answers."

— Jane

Woman in White Shirt Sitting on Rock

"I ordered this for my two daughters. ​They have terrible cramps at the ​beginning of their period. I read about ​this and listened to a lecture from ​Barbara O’Neil, so I ordered it. And ​just like they said when starting ​symptoms may get a little worse before ​they get better and that’s exactly what ​happened.

— Kelly

Beautiful Older Woman Standing in Study Smiling

"I would like to say thank you, Wild ​Yam Cream does work, since I started ​using it I have not had one hot flush, ​it’s been my life's savior. I can now ​start to enjoy a good night’s sleep. I ​truly recommend it!" -

— Therese

Wild YamCream

Ready to Feel Your Best with Wild Yam Cream?

When discomfort disrupts your well-being, it’s time to take ​action. Wild Yam Cream is formulated to provide the relief and ​support you need, offering essential nutrients to help your body ​thrive.

Our customers rave about the rejuvenating effects, describing a ​sense of well-being they haven’t felt in years. Don't miss out on ​the chance to experience this for yourself.

Purchase Wild Yam Cream today and start your journey to better ​well-being!

A Woman Holding a Jar with Cream

Website- SCronin - All Rights Reserved 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided on Wildyamcream.com, including the Wild Yam Cream product, is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or ​treatment. Wild Yam Cream is a holistic supplement made in small batches designed to support hormonal balance. Results may vary and improvements in wellness may take time.

Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. Wildyamcream.com and its affiliates bear no responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of our product or information ​provided on this website. Use of Wild Yam Cream is at your own risk.

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